Useful Links and Information
British Society for Surgery of the Hand
The Society is the professional representative body for hand surgeons in the United Kingdom, based at the Royal College of Surgeons. This link leads to patient information.
American Society for Surgery of the Hand
The Society is the professional representative body for hand surgeons in the United States of America. This link leads to patient information.
British Association of Hand Therapists
The British Association of Hand Therapists was formed on 4th February 1984, with the support and collaboration of the British Society for Surgery of the Hand. This link explains 'What is a Hand Therapist?'
British Dupuytrens Society
The British Dupuytren Society is a non-profit organization where patients and medical experts from all involved faculties cooperate in the understanding, research and treatment of Duputren's Disesase.
Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh
One of the oldest surgical corporations in the world. Its story begins in the late 1400s when the roles of surgeons and barbers, both requiring sharp instruments to practise their trade, were indistinctly defined as regards such tasks as bloodletting, lancing, shaving, bandaging and treating wounds in battle. From its formal foundation in 1505, the Incorporation of Surgeons and Barbers, now The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, has dedicated itself to promoting the highest standards in surgical education, training and clinical practice
Allows the completion and scoring of questionnaires often used in healthcare audit and medical research.
Electronic Textbook of Hand Surgery
A comprehensive Hand Surgery Textbook published online by Dr Charles Eaton, MD.
The Society is the professional representative body for hand surgeons in the United Kingdom, based at the Royal College of Surgeons. This link leads to patient information.
American Society for Surgery of the Hand
The Society is the professional representative body for hand surgeons in the United States of America. This link leads to patient information.
British Association of Hand Therapists
The British Association of Hand Therapists was formed on 4th February 1984, with the support and collaboration of the British Society for Surgery of the Hand. This link explains 'What is a Hand Therapist?'
British Dupuytrens Society
The British Dupuytren Society is a non-profit organization where patients and medical experts from all involved faculties cooperate in the understanding, research and treatment of Duputren's Disesase.
Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh
One of the oldest surgical corporations in the world. Its story begins in the late 1400s when the roles of surgeons and barbers, both requiring sharp instruments to practise their trade, were indistinctly defined as regards such tasks as bloodletting, lancing, shaving, bandaging and treating wounds in battle. From its formal foundation in 1505, the Incorporation of Surgeons and Barbers, now The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, has dedicated itself to promoting the highest standards in surgical education, training and clinical practice
Allows the completion and scoring of questionnaires often used in healthcare audit and medical research.
Electronic Textbook of Hand Surgery
A comprehensive Hand Surgery Textbook published online by Dr Charles Eaton, MD.